Yesterday I got a chance to visit all of my PLC's, though one just briefly.
I started my hour of learning with the Language Acquisition group. They, led by Mr. Young, are charging forward with the comprehensibility project. We spent some time looking at a book Mr. Young had on iMovie projects. It does a great job explaining how to maximize your iMovie, describing how to utilize many of the edit/add-on options. They have a lot of passion about helping people understand each other through language. They have not been updating their blog. I think I need to end with them next week.
Next I briefly stopped by flipped classroom/audio capture group. They do such a fantastic job of sharing with each other that they always have something to talk about. They are all at different places in their flipped classroom quest, but seem to to help each other question and figure out where to go next.
At a quick stop by the graphing calculators group I got to get in on some math talk. Super fun.
The Modern Software just keeps on going. They have so much enthusiasm and are so willing to learn they inspire me. The last holdout got on to the group blog and posted (way to go Mr. Lee!). They are ready to start implementing in their classrooms. I believe they want to do it, but it is scary to start something new with a room full of students.
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