Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Embedded Formative Assessment - Chapter 7

Quotes from the text:
      "only learners create learning"
       This (the idea that teachers can do the learning for the learners) is only exacerbated by accountability regimes that mandate sanctions for teachers, for schools, and for districts but not for students.
        When the level of challenge is low and the level of capability is high, the result is often boredom. When the level of the challenge is high and the level of the capability is low, the result is generally anxiety. When both are low, the result is apathy. However, when both capability and challenge are high the result is "flow. This way of thinking about motivation is radical because it does not locate "the problem" in the teacher or the learner but in the match between the challenge and capability.
         students provided with positive constructive feedback by their teachers were more likely to focus on learning rather than performance
         activating students as owners of their own learning is an essential component of motivation
      I am going to ask my students what school would look like if they were in charge. From my perspective, most students do not appear to enjoy school. Therefore, I will give them the opportunity to voice their opinions......knowing that everyone must learn the material and somehow demonstrate that they have learned and that we do have a certain amount of material that we must cover, how would you  plan the day, the lessons, the semester? What would make class more exciting/interesting/enjoyable?

Another idea....based on this reading, I think that teachers do too much work and students do too little. With this in mind, I am going to try and change my focus so that every time I ask myself how I can do or figure something out.......I will change that to how can the students figure this out?


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