Thursday, November 29, 2012

Something to Blog About!

Please take a look at this article.

Something to think about:
To improve the team, you don't study the scoreboard; you go out and practice. Considering the limited time educators have to do everything we must do, let's ask ourselves how much time we're spending looking at the scoreboard and how much we're spending in practice. We won't start winning until we do.

What does this mean for us????
Please blog about it!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Talent Code

We spent some time today beginning to take a look at the book The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle.  The subtitle is Greatness Isn't Born, It's Grown.  The book is broken into three sections:
Deep Practice, Ignition (Motivation), and Master Coaching. 
Our first round of impacting quotes today circled around the struggle necessary in deep practice.
A dilemma that evolved over the discussion was:
How do we balance teacher expectations and 9th graders expectations in a way to lead to struggles but not course failures? 
We agreed to read the first section on Deep Practice though the lens of the above dilemma.
So with our PLC, we agreed that our topic is:
Differentiated Professional Learning Communities that Impact Student Learning

Rufus is working on the beginning of a Prezi that illustrates our Collaborative Actions this Semester.
Logistical roles:
Facilities/Tables:  Pat
PLC Name Signs:  Cheryl
FloorPlan:  Brittany
Feedback Form:  Electronic and Paper - Katie

So What?
Teacher Feedback form still to be developed.